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A central cross-university advice center "Studying and Disability" for students with disabilities has been set up at the Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW). The task of the advice center is to collect, process and pass on all information that may be important for starting and completing your studies. On the DSW website you will find further information on the subject of studying with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

The handbook "Studying and Disability" provides a comprehensive overview of study preparation, study aids and counseling services. You can find the brochure here (external link).


Deutsches Studierendenwerk
Informations- und Beratungsstelle Studium und Behinderung
Monbijouplatz 11, 10178 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 297727-64
E-Mail: studium-behinderung(at)studentenwerke(dot)de
Internet: https://www.studierendenwerke.de/themen/studieren-mit-behinderung 

Inklusionsamt beim Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales