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When leaving the student residence, you will have to take care of several matters.
Here you will find information about the Termination of Contract and the Repayment of Deposit

The rental contracts of the Studierendenwerk are temporary contracts. These fixed-term rental contracts of the Studierendenwerk can be terminated in writing with a two months' notice as of March 31 or September 30.

The notice of termination must be received by the Studierendenwerk in written form with the original signature of the tenant in good time, i.e. before 31.01. in the case of a termination to 31.03. or before 31.07. in the case of a termination to 30.09.. You will find the address on the termination form. Cancellations by fax or e-mail are not valid due to the written form requirement.

Deposit repayment

Valid for move-outs from 01.04.2023:
All tenants will have their deposit refunded on the following dates after moving out in accordance with §6 Deposit Para./No. 5.

End of tenancy agreement  Deposit settlement takes place
January - March End of June
April - June End of August/beginning of September
July - September End of November/beginning of December
October – December End of February/beginning of March

* The Form „Repayment of Deposit“ is only valid / necessary for move-outs until 31.03.2023.
If there have been no changes to your bank details / home address, we will automatically use the existing data in accordance with Section 6, Paragraph 5 of the tenancy agreement and you do not need to take any further action. 
If your home address/bank details have changed, all you need to do is send an informal e-mail to the person responsible, including your ID number from the rental agreement

If you have any questions or require further information on deposit repayments, please contact the rental accounting department:

Frau Behl

+49 931 8005-172

responsible for:

Aschaffenburg Bessenbacher Weg 10
Würzburg Leo-Weismantel-Straße 1
Peter-Schneider-Straße 3/5/7

Frau Jonas

+49 931 8005-205

responsible for:

Würzburg Am Galgenberg 52
Am Hubland 16
Straubmühlweg 11

Frau Ebner-Kroh

+49 931 8005-182

responsible for:

Würzburg Friedenstraße 2
Josef-Schneider-Straße 9
Klara-Oppenheimer-Weg 39
Landsteinerstraße 3
Zürnstraße 1/3/5/7
Zürnstraße 2

Herr Fuß

+49 931 8005-204

responsible for:

Aschaffenburg Schoberstraße
Bamberg Balthasargäßchen 1
Coburger Straße 5
Hornthalstraße 2a
Judenstraße 2
Judenstraße 8/10
Pestalozzistraße 9
Schweinfurt Florian-Geyer-Straße 7/9
Marie-Curie-Platz 2
Würzburg Josef-Martin-Weg 56

Opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Thursday: 1.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.