TODO: Weitere Wohnungsangebote außerhalb des Studentenwerks
Online Private Accommodation Service of the Studierendenwerk
The Studierendenwerk Würzburg setup the web page "Search for Private Rooms" to assists students of the Universities in Aschaffenburg, Bamberg, Schweinfurt and Würzburg in finding accommodation. The web page publishes available accommodation offers for the corresponding city and the region. In general, offers are daily updated from Mondays to Fridays.
The Studierendenwerk only forwards information from landlords and will not assume liability for the accuracy of the information, cannot provide any additional information or make any commitment. Whether price and value of the accommodation offered are in reasonable proportion, cannot be verified by the Studierendenwerk.
The Studierendenwerk only passes on the information it receives from landlords and assumes no liability for the accuracy of the information, nor can it provide any further information or make any promises. The Studierendenwerk cannot check whether the price and value of the rooms and apartments on offer are in an appropriate relationship.
As there are currently an increasing number of scams, please check the offers carefully and do not transfer any money until you are sure of their authenticity.
Online Private Accommodation Service of the Studentenwerk
The Studierendenwerk Würzburg setup the web page "Search for Private Rooms" to assists students of the Universities in Aschaffenburg, Bamberg, Schweinfurt and Würzburg in finding accommodation. The web page publishes available accommodation offers for the corresponding city and the region. In general, offers are daily updated from Mondays to Fridays.
The Studierendenwerk only forwards information from landlords and will not assume liability for the accuracy of the information, cannot provide any additional information or make any commitment. Whether price and value of the accommodation offered are in reasonable proportion, cannot be verified by the Studierendenwerk.
Private landlords can enter their offer on the web page "Offer Private Rooms" for free. New offers usually appear on the page after the latest update. Please inform the Studierendenwerk as soon as you have found a tenant for the offer entered, so the Studierendenwerk can delete it and keep the offers up to date. In addition, you will save yourself and the applicants a lot of time and unneccesary phone calls. All other offers will be deleted by the Studierendenwerk after three months.
Offer Private Rooms
Delete Offer
Contact for Aschaffenburg, Schweinfurt and Würzburg:
Ms Clarke
Telephone: +49 931 8005-180
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Thursday 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.
Studierendenwerk Würzburg
Room B 134 (1st floor)
Am Studentenhaus 1
97072 Würzburg
Contact for Bamberg:
Ms Platok
Telephone: +49 931 8005-811
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Thursday 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.
Studierendenwerk Würzburg
Geschäftsstelle Bamberg
Room 015 (2nd floor)
Austraße 37
96047 Bamberg
University students who are not economically dependent on another independent household, usually their parents' household, may be eligible for social housing.
If you are interested in living in social housing, you must request a certificate of eligibility („Wohnberechtigungsschein“) from the competent authority (see below). This is due to the fact that you will only be considered for social housing if your income is less than a certain threshold. If you do not have a certificate of eligibility, you will not be considered for social housing.
For request forms and more information, please contact:
City of Würzburg, Fachbereich Soziales
Karmelitenstraße 43
97070 Würzburg
Telephone: +49 931 37-2760 or 37-3544
Email: fb-soziales(at)stadt.wuerzburg(dot)de
For request forms and more information, please contact:
City of Bamberg, Bauordnungsamt
Untere Sandstraße 34
96049 Bamberg
Telephone: +49 951 87-1193
Email: bauordnungsamt(at)stadt.bamberg(dot)de
For request forms and more information, please contact:
City of Schweinfurt, Bauverwaltungsamt
Town Hall, Room 405
Markt 1
97421 Schweinfurt
Telephone: +49 9721 51-505
Email: bauverwaltungsamt(at)schweinfurt(dot)de
The Idea Behind the Housing Community: Offering Accommodation, Looking for Garden Help
Create new living space and receive support, stay at home and offer a home. These considerations are behind the project "Accommodation for Help - Intergenerational Housing Communities", which has been started by the city of Bamberg and the Studierendenwerk Würzburg in the summer semester of 2011.
The idea is simple: Elderly people, families or people with disabilities offer students free or cheap accommodation and get help in exchange. Whether help with gardening work or grocery shopping, assistance in the home or child care - the rule of thumb is one hour of work a month for one square meter of living space. Plus a share of the additional charges.
The housing communities are arranged and cared for by the counseling office for accommodation (Wohnberatungsstelle) of the city of Bamberg. Prospective tenants can register here. Before laying down the mutual agreements in a rental contract, the staff members Nicole Orf and Denise Neller advise both parties to take some time to get to know each other and exchange wishes and expectations.
For further information contact the
Wohnberatungsstelle of the city of Bamberg
Nicole Orf and Denise Neller
Rathaus, Maximiliansplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
Telephone: +49 951 87-1069 or +49 951 87-1169
Fax: +49 951 87-1906
Email: wohnberatung(at)stadt.bamberg(dot)de
You will also find further information here