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Get advice and support here!

Studierendenwerk Würzburg also offers regular open consultation hours for students at two locations in Würzburg for legal advice, social counseling and study and career counseling from the Würzburg Employment Agency:

  • In the BiF, the room in the foyer of the canteen at the Studentenhaus Würzburg
  • From 06.05.24 in the canteen at Hubland Süd

The consultation hours and the respective location of the consultation can be found in the monthly published consultation schedule.

Find out more about the two open counseling services here.

Our open counselling service

One room - various counselling services

Here you can get advice and support!

In the foyer of the Würzburg City Canteen at the Studentenhaus, in its own premises just to the left of the staircase, you will find the BiF, the central advice center for students at all Studierendenwerk Würzburg locations: legal advice and social counseling take place here in the same room!

Please refer to the current monthly schedule for consultation hours.

Please note: At the moment there are no health insurance consultations (AOK, TK, Barmer) at the Studierendenwerk Würzburg!

Current consulting plan

Additional appointments

In the area of social counseling - in addition to the current monthly schedule - personal consultations are possible at the BiF by prior appointment!

Get advice and support here!

In the Mensa am Hubland Süd you will find counseling room no. 1.011b on the 1st floor.

The same room is also used for legal advice, social counseling and study and career advice from the Würzburg Employment Agency! Please refer to the current monthly schedule for consultation hours. The regular offer includes the following consultation hours:

  • Mondays 12:00 - 14:00 Social counseling at Hubland (open consultation hours without registration), from 06.05.2024.
  • 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 12:00 - 14:00 Study and career counseling of the Würzburg Employment Agency at Hubland (open office hours without registration), from 07.05.2024.
  • Every 14 days on Wednesdays 9:00 - 15:00 Legal advice at Hubland (appointments under Tel.: (0931) 8005-501), from 15.05.2024.

Note: There are currently no health insurance consultations (AOK, TK, Barmer) at the Studierendenwerk Würzburg!

Additional appointments

In the area of social counseling - in addition to the current monthly schedule - personal consultations are possible at the BiF by prior appointment!