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Due to construction work from 21.02., food will be distributed via the cafeteria next door for the time being.

#Geänderte Ereichbarkeiten

Due to the lecture-free period, there will be changes to the opening hours of our canteens and cafeterias.

#Geänderte Öffnungszeiten

The following opening hours change during the semester break.

#Geänderte Öffnungszeiten

In the BiF (“Beratung im Foyer”) as well as in our counseling center at Hubland Würzburg, students can take advantage of various counseling services depending on the occupancy schedule.

#Studieren mit Kind
#Studieren mit Behinderung
#Wichtige Hinweise

Das Monatsprogramm für November des studentischen Kulturzentrums im Studentenhaus


Your opinion matters!


We are offering various apprenticeships starting 01.09.25


New status query in three student residences
