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Online Private Accommodation Service of the Studierendenwerk

The Studierendenwerk Würzburg setup the web page "Search for Private Rooms" to assists students of the Universities in Aschaffenburg, Bamberg, Schweinfurt and Würzburg in finding accommodation. The web page publishes available accommodation offers for the corresponding city and the region. In general, offers are daily updated from Mondays to Fridays.

The Studierendenwerk only forwards information from landlords and will not assume liability for the accuracy of the information, cannot provide any additional information or make any commitment. Whether price and value of the accommodation offered are in reasonable proportion, cannot be verified by the Studierendenwerk.

Privatzimmer suchen

Frau Chimenti

+49 931 8005-212

Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Thursday 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.

Studierendenwerk Würzburg
Room B 135 (1st floor)
Am Studentenhaus 1
97072 Würzburg

Further contacts and help with finding a room

  • The St. Bruno Werk eG runs five student residences in Würzburg:
    Further information: www.studentenburse.de
    • Edith-Stein-Haus, Martin-Luther-Straße 13, 97072 Würzburg
    • Ferdinandeum, Schlörstraße 2, 97074 Würzburg
    • Georg-Häfner-Haus, Mönchbergstraße 27, 97074 Würzburg
    • Karls-Burse, Peter-Schneider-Straße 1, 97074 Würzburg  
    • Thomas-Morus-Burse, Hofstallstraße 4 a, 97070 Würzburg
  • Residence Adam-Stegerwald-Haus of FDS e.V. 
    Gneisenaustraße 24 a-g, 97074 Würzburg

    Further information: www.fds-stiftung.de
    Contact: https://fds-stiftung.de/kontakt/

  • BLLV-Student residence
    Marianhillstraße 6, 97074 Würzburg

    Further information:  www.bllvwh-wue.de

  • Medmissio
    Residence „St. Michael“, Mariannhillstr. 1c, 97074 Würzburg

    Contact: Christiane Seubert
    Tel.: 0931/8048538
    E-Mail: Christiane.seubert@~@medmissio.~.de

  • Student residence Gerbrunn
    Casteller Platz 3-4 / Bertha-von-Suttner-Straße 1-3, 97218 Gerbrunn

    Further information:  https://www.xn--studentenwohnen-wrzburg-spc.de/

  • Private Residence Studentenhaus between Uni and THWS 
    Ottostraße 12-14, 97070 Würzburg

    E-Mail: info(at)pohle-gruppe(dot)de

  • Residence of CVJM e.V. Würzburg
    Wilhelm-Schwinn-Platz 2, 97070 Würzburg

    Further information:  https://www.cvjm-wuerzburg.de/website/de/v/wuerzburg/service/wohnheim
  • Residence "Green Living Inn", Hubland 
    Rottendorfer Straße 61/ Zweierweg 57, 97074 Würzburg

    Further information: www.greenlivinginn.de

  • 522 Apartunities
    Haugerglacisstraße 5a, 97080 Würzburg

    Further information:  www.522.city


Private room register at the student representation of the University of Würzburg
Emil-Hilb-Weg 24, Campus Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 931 31-85819
Internet: www.stuv.uni-wuerzburg.de

HC24 Homecompany Würzburg- Temporary furnished accommodation
Zeller Straße 16
97082 Würzburg
Telephone: +49 931 41 66 16
Internet: www.hc24.de

Mainpost (Mittwoch und Samstag)