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You are experiencing social, financial or personal problems?

Our social counselling service is the first point of contact for students in difficult life situations. It offers advice and assistance with a broad range of issues. Our services are free and confidential. Get in touch – we can help you through difficult times.

Your contacts for all questions relating to social counseling

We provide tips and information on the following topics:

  • Financing your studies
  • Studying with a child
  • International students
  • Studying with a disability or chronic illness
  • General social counseling

All counseling sessions are free of charge and confidential.

Bild zu Pia Lenhard

Pia Lenhard


Dummy-Bild zu Lisa Kriesinger

Lisa Kriesinger


Telephone consultation hours

Monday to Thursday 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m,

Friday 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 

Präsenztermine nur nach telefonischer Terminvereinbarung. Präsenztermine finden in der Austraße 37, 96052 Bamberg statt.

Wichtige Information zu den Beratungen vor Ort
Während der Klausurenphase und den Semesterferien entfallen die persönlichen Beratungstermine in Bamberg. Die Sozialberatung ist in der Zeit per Mail und Telefon für alle Fragen rund um das Studium erreichbar.