About us
We operate canteens and cafeterias at the various campuses and thus ensure that students are provided with healthy and sustainable food.
However, physical well-being is by no means the only thing that the Studierendenwerk Würzburg takes care of. For example, we also ensure that over 4,100 students have an affordable roof over their heads and run several student halls of residence.
We also offer comprehensive legal, social and student finance advice at our locations. The Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center supports students with learning problems, exam anxiety or problems with their partner or family.
In addition, we work together with the childcare facilities to promote family-friendly studies.
BAföG & Co.
Last but not least, the BAföG department should be mentioned. The dedicated team knows how to give advice on all questions relating to money from the state. Today more than ever: only those who apply will receive money - it is always worthwhile.
Our public relations department and the social media team are available to answer any questions about the Studierendenwerk and provide information about the company and its range of services.
Our committed employees form the basis for the extensive range of services offered by Studierendenwerk Würzburg. As a responsible employer, we offer attractive jobs with collectively agreed pay and benefits, flexible and family-friendly working time models and a varied and interesting range of tasks.
Managing Director:
Dipl.- Betriebswirt (FH) Dominik Kampf
Chairman of the Assembly of Representatives
Stefan Hartmann
Chancellor of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Chairwoman of the Administrative Board
Frau Dr. Dagmar Steuer-Flieser,
Chancellor of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Head office
Studierendenwerk Würzburg
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Am Studentenhaus
97072 Würzburg
Here you can download directions to the student house (German only).
Our name and logo
Since December 1st, 2023, we name ourselves "Studierendenwerk Würzburg". We have decided to retain the historically grown term "Studierendenwerk Würzburg" and adapt it to the new legal regulations. Since the founding of the "Verein Studentenhilfe e.V. Würzburg" in 1921, this name has been firmly rooted in history and is an established term for students.
In order to improve the visual presentation of all four locations, we have decided to adapt our logo accordingly: While we had previously placed three green bars behind our stylized "W", which also represents the course of the Main River between our locations, in reference to the Frankenrechen, in future four green bars will be integrated here - one for each of our locations Würzburg, Schweinfurt, Bamberg and Aschaffenburg.